patrick brennan & Abdul Moimême
The seven spontaneous pieces on terraphonia defy clarification, let alone categorization. brennan’s alto saxophone is enigmatic and abstract; Moimême’s guitars—of his own design—are played together, with bow, mallet, or hand, and prepared with various objects. The interaction between musicians is not any easier to explain than the music itself. Moimême’s guitars behave as completely foreign devices; the territory they occupy is no more familiar than the instruments.
– Karl Ackerman

Creative Sources Recordings CS 579 CD
Release date: June 12, 2019

patrick brennan – alto saxophone, cornet (briefly on terrafonia)
Abdul Moimême – 2 electric guitars (played simultaneously) with objects
Recorded April 8. 2018. Namouche Studios, Lisboa
The two set up an intricate, contrapuntal web of convergence and divergence in phrasing and dynamics. Through their sensitivity to each other’s contributions, brennan and Moimême are able to transform the particulars of contrast and difference into a higher-level, expressive synthesis. — Avant Music News
We finally heard the cd, very nice, very earthy I can hear steps, birds, thunder etc. very terraphonia! — Catherine Henke, visual artist & horticulturist
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