patrick brennan, Hernâni Faustino, Maria do Mar,
Miguel Mira, Abdul Moimême, Ernesto Rodrigues

Creative Sources Recordings CS 674 CD
Release date: June 10, 2020
This play of difference separating brennan’s saxophone from the strings and guitars gives the performance the feel of a multi-movement concerto for alto saxophone and chamber orchestra. Here as on his other recordings, brennan is a compelling soloist. His saxophone emerges as a well-defined, hard-edged line standing out against and weaving through the surrounding masses of sound; these latter consist in an elaborately textured structure built up from the full range of extended and conventional performance techniques present to hand for contemporary players — Avant Music News
patrick brennan – saxophone, cornet, jaguar
Maria do Mar – violin
Ernesto Rodrigues – viola
Miguel Mira – cello
Hernâni Faustino – bass viol
Abdul Moimême – 2 electric guitars (played simultaneously) with objects
Recorded April 29, 2018
by Joachim Monte at Namouche Studios, Lisbon
Mixed & mastered by Abdul Moimême
Cover design by Carlos Santos
1. O Largo Aberto das Diafonias Alertas
—— (The Wide Open of Alert Crosstalk)
2. Escorregada Möbial
—— (Möbial Slip)
3. Nextness (Wordslab by Randee Silv)
—— (Seguintedade)
4. A Que Distância?
——(At What Distance?)
5. O Pássaro Repentino de Espera
—— (The Sudden Bird of Waiting)
All music collectively composed by the ensemble.
There is often the sense of imminent subversion here, sudden mutations that carry the music both forward and elsewhere. At times it suggests the superb lyric expression of memorable saxophone and string combinations like Charlie Parker and Strings or Albert Ayler in Greenwich Village or just Ornette Coleman and David Izenzon, at most moments though, the group finds its own rich and compound ground — Free Jazz Blog
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